This morning, we had our ultrasound for the new baby. Our local hospital recently got the new 3D/4D ultrasound machine, and the tech offered to try it out with us. So we got some cool pictures, although Damian thinks the baby looks a little like an alien.
Oh, and we're having another girl!!!!!! Damian is a little sad about being outnumbered, but he'll get over it!

Winter 2010

These are so overdue!! I blame it on pregnancy and general busyness! A couple of pictures from Halloween, and then some of our snow covered yard and a few from Christmas. Evidently, I need to use my camera more often. I have so few pictures from the last few months!!

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The other day, our Branch President from Church stopped by our house. It was 3 in the afternoon, long before Damian would be home, so I knew he had to be looking for me. I thought I was just going to be asked to give a talk or something. Oh no.
I have been extended the calling of Second Counselor in our Branch's Relief Society. I accepted and was set apart last Sunday. I am a little nervous, but super excited. The whole presidency is pretty young (early 30s and under) and we have a lot in common. Hopefully we will be able to serve effectively and will be able to help the sisters in the Branch!

Tuesday was Isabel's first day of Kindergarten! She was pretty nervous, especially since she has a 45 minute bus ride. She told me she thought school was going to be like jail and the teacher was going to yell the whole time! Poor kid! But, she did great! She has been really east to get up in the morning (at 6am!) and now enjoys the bus. She is meeting new kids in her class and is making friends. I'm so proud of her for being brave!

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At the end of July, we moved to Shelby, Mi. Shelby is about on hour north of Grand Rapids, and is where Damian was born and grew up at. We bought 5 acres of land with a mobile home on it, and we plan on starting to build our dream home next summer.
Anyway, seeing as how we now own a bunch of land, we were able to provide a new home for one of my brother's dogs, Molly. She is a 65lb black lab "puppy". A few weeks after living here, we rescued 2 adorable kittens who were hiding underneath our porch during a rainstorm. Isabel has named them Daphne and Delilah. They are super cute and playful. However, we now have a dog and 3 cats, totally, and are feeling a little animal overwhelmed!
We greatly miss our friends in Grand Rapids, and frequently feel quite isolated. We are very much in the country and can't even see our nearest neighbor's house. Plus, we're a half hour from the nearest Meijer! But we're getting use to it, and are recognizing other benefits of living in the country.

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Isabel played soccer again this Spring, her 3rd year! And this year it was actual games, not just practices. She had a lot of fun, especially with Damian as her coach. She got to play all the different positions. Isabel also loved being able to have lots of family members cheer her on. It was a great season!

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In December, Isabel's friend Alayne had her 4th birthday party. It was actually on our wedding anniversary, which was perfect for Damian, since it was at Chuck E Cheese, and we all know there is no other place he'd rather be! Alayne is practically a member of the family, we watch her 2 days a week and we see them on weekends sometimes, too. Isabel got to bring her friend Page along as well. The girls had a super good time!!

The 3 girls posing.
Isabel is looking fierce!
Cheesy grins!
Damian and Cael, always too cool to have their pictures taken.
Cael riding a Bob the Builder ride.
He wasn't so sure about Bob. Bob has shifty eyes...

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